Dancers put their best foot forward in Northcliff

NORTHCLIFF – Kinetic Energy Dance Studio celebrates the success of its dancers as they achieve their Gauteng colours.

Kinetic Energy Dance Studio dancers dance on air after they gained Gauteng colours having recently taken part in the online Solo Dance School Sport Competition which started in August.

The studio’s founder, Erica Bradley, said there are about 25 dancers who are taught various styles of dance like hip-hop, Latin and ballroom and classic styles, to name a few, by four trained dance coaches. For the competition they had about 13 dancers take part and each one received colours and will now represent the province at the Inter-Provincial Tournament which is currently taking place and will span the month of November. This tournament will cover four styles of dance– performing arts, street hip-hop, rhythm and music as well as solo Latin.

Kinetic Energy Dance Studio gained their Gauteng colours recently. Photo: Supplied

Before they took part in the competition, dancers had to qualify by taking part in the online inter-district tournament. Here the top five in each group were then chosen to participate in the Inter-Provincial Tournament. Kids ranged between the ages of four years and older, get into a groove at the is Northcliff-based studio.

Roxanne Bland is one of the dancers of Kinetic Energy Dance Studio. Photo: Supplied

Bradley shared what sets her dancers apart from others is the attention given to each dancer. “They are excelling both in rhythm and technical ability.” Adding that through her dancers are quite adaptable, it did take some getting used to not performing virtually as opposed to being on stage. However, even with this new dynamic, it didn’t take long for the competitiveness to take its hold. “Dancing for a camera is a different skill to dancing live for adjudicators, but I’m proud to say that our studio still managed to achieve really high results.”

Bailie de Klerk shows her best moves. Photo: Supplied

Bradley explained that the achievement of getting these colours is akin to any sportsperson being recognised for their long hours of hard work being put in. “So while it’s not the ultimate achievement, it certainly gives the dancers a boost to keep working even harder.”

Kayla Cartmell has danced for years at Kinetic Energy Dance Studio. Photo: Supplied

She said arts and culture are not given any funding in the form of government sponsorship in this country, so achieving one’s Gauteng colours can be helpful when looking for private sponsorship to compete around the country and abroad. Dancers will receive recognition of their full Gauteng colours during a capping ceremony on 28 November.

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