
How to have a healthy twin pregnancy

If you’re pregnant with twins, congratulations! A double miracle has just taken place in your belly. Whether the chances of having twins runs in your family, or it’s because of fertility treatments, a twin pregnancy is special and exciting. The birds and the bees Although all of us share 99% of our DNA, the remaining …

If you’re pregnant with twins, congratulations! A double miracle has just taken place in your belly. Whether the chances of having twins runs in your family, or it’s because of fertility treatments, a twin pregnancy is special and exciting.

The birds and the bees

Although all of us share 99% of our DNA, the remaining 0.1% is enough to make each of us unique. However, in the case of identical twins, they share 100% of their genes and have the same DNA. In this case, one egg and one sperm have fertilised and split into two separate embryos for twins to develop, explains Johannesburg-based gynaecologist and obstetrician, Mark van der Griendt. If you’re expecting non-identical or fraternal twins, two separate eggs have been fertilised at the same time by two sperm and these embryos develop separately in the womb, says Dr van der Griendt. Non-identical twins are just like normal siblings, except that they happen to be born at the same time.

Only half the story

Studies have repeatedly shown that identical twins have the same DNA, but their mothers can still tell them apart. Why? Because what’s written in your baby’s genes is only half the story. There are many lifestyle and external influences that play a part in how your babies develop. Even identical twins go on to lead separate lives and develop their own, unique character traits, which is often what distinguishes them.

Do twins share the same placenta?

This largely depends on how the eggs are split in the first few days after conception. Non-identical or fraternal twins will always have their own placenta and they’ll develop in their own amniotic sac, says Dr van der Griendt. The placenta will embed and grow along the uterine wall and will provide your little one with essential oxygen and nutrients via the umbilical cord. With identical twins, it’s more complex. These little ones can have shared or separate placentas. If the embryo is split right after conception, with no delays, then the chances are that they will form and develop much like fraternal twins – with their own placentas. However, if the split is delayed for a few days, the embryos will develop separately, but with a single, shared placenta explains genetic expert and pathologist, Kurt Benirschke. “In most cases, these multiples will be enclosed within a shared chorion (the outer layer of the sac that contains a foetus), but will develop individually within separate amnions (the inner membrane surrounding the sac of amniotic fluid),” he adds. In other cases, twins can also share the placental bed. In other words, two placentas develop right next to one another along the uterine wall and it appears that there’s one placenta, but there’s still two, explains Dr van der Griendt.

Multiple pregnancy risks

Carrying more than one baby at a time always puts a little extra pressure on the mom-to-be, physically and emotionally. Dr van der Griendt regularly measures his patient’s cervix to ensure that it’s closed and the length is right to carry the babies as far as possible. He also keeps an eye on the amniotic fluid as well as the umbilical cord – especially with identical twin pregnancies where there is an increased risk of the umbilical cord getting tangled around one of the baby’s necks. “These days, most twins are born via C-Section between 36 and 38 weeks, if the pregnancy is relatively low-risk and without complications,” says Dr van der Griendt.

Expert tips to have a healthy twin pregnancy

Dr van der Griendt always advises his patients to eat wholesome, nourishing foods throughout pregnancy, but not to eat for two or three. “Average-size portions and small regular meals work well,” he adds. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids, even though you’ll feel the urge to go to the loo often. Staying hydrated is critical for you and your babies. He also suggests resting as much as possible and putting your feet up – especially in the third trimester when your little one’s are growing at a rapid rate, and there’s extra strain on your body and organs.  

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