
Hearing loss in children

As September draws to an end, it is important to remember that this month is dedicated to Hearing Awareness. It is important to remember how vital hearing is and a medical check that all parents should not ignore when it comes to their baby. Hearing loss within babies is fairly common with approximately 1 out …

As September draws to an end, it is important to remember that this month is dedicated to Hearing Awareness. It is important to remember how vital hearing is and a medical check that all parents should not ignore when it comes to their baby. Hearing loss within babies is fairly common with approximately 1 out of every 1 000 babies born with some degree of hearing loss.

Who is at risk?

There are a number of reasons that result in hearing loss within babies Factors such as premature birth, low birth weight, a mother who has been exposed to German measles or has diabetes, as well as those babies born into a family with a history of deafness are at risk of developing hearing problems.

Check at birth

Although most babies should ideally have their hearing tested before leaving the maternity unit, or at least before the age of three months, sadly research shows that the average age for the detection of hearing loss is as late as two years old.

The sooner the hearing problem is diagnosed, the better

Hearing tests need to be performed at an early stage because if there is a problem with the child, the sooner intervention can begin. The test comprises a small insert probe which is placed in the ear canal in order to measure the echo response to a click sound. Parents need not worry about their precious child experiencing discomfort as the test is completely painless. Once the test has been performed, an audiologist will discuss the results with the parents, ultimately revealing whether these results dictate the need for further diagnostic tests. It is vitally important to have your baby’s hearing checked and with the screening test being so quick and easy there is no excuse for parents not to get it done.

Warning signs indicating hearing loss

As the child develops, parents should always be on the look-out for certain warning signs indicating hearing loss. Below are normal development responses, if a baby does not respond or perform these actions, it could indicate a hearing problem.

1.    By seven months a baby should localise sound (turn a head toward a signal)

2.    They should have a startle reflex to loud sudden sounds

3.    By 0-3 months they should respond to sound by smiling, stilling or startling

4.    By 0-3 months they should recognise their caregiver’s voice

5.    Expressive language from 0-3 months they should cry to express hunger or anger, vocalise to express pleasure, and vocalise in response to voice

6.    0-3 months they should coo and gurgle

7.    By six months sound should start having meaning, occasionally respond to their own name, listen to their own voice

8.    Can discriminate between angry and friendly voices, and will stop crying in response to voice

9.    Vocalise for needs and wants, and in response to singing

10.  Blows raspberries, coos and yells, laughs

11.   The duration, pitch and intensity of their voice should start to change, use the sound /ah/, and friction noises and /m/, as well as plays with making various sounds


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