Vir die Voëls features local star

LINDEN - Local movie star talks about her latest role in the film, Vir die Voëls.

Actress and local Linden resident, Elize Cawood speaks about her role in the recently released Afrikaans film, Vir die Voëls, which drew in more than R3 million in its first 10 days.

The film is inspired by a true story set in the 70s about Irma Humpel, played by Simone Nortmann, a surly tomboy who ends up marrying the boy who teased her through her childhood. The love story explores inner conflict and preventing circumstantial and emotional baggage from destroying future relationships or happiness.

Cawood plays the character of Irma Humpel’s grandmother, Ouma Martie. She said she did not audition for the part, as the director of the film, Quentin Krog, wanted her to play the part.

She was pleased to get the part and said she was able to relate to the character. “I’m not a grandmother, but I’m a mother and can relate to relationships around the family and children,” said Cawood.

She added that she tried to bring honesty to her role and described her time on set as fantastic. “Quentin is a wonderful director and the director always sets the tone on set. I felt easy and safe,” she said.

Vir die Voëls was produced, in association with kykNET Films, by The Film Factory with a cast that includes the likes of Nicola Hanekom, Neels van Jaarsveld, Drikus Volschenk, Leandry Smith, Liam Bosman, Lara Kinnear, Candice Kruger and Bennie Fourie.

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