
Author inspired by Somalia

MELVILLE–Love Books hosted author, Andrew Hardings book launch that was attended by book lovers.

Books lovers gathered to attend author Andrew Harding’s book launch The Mayor of Mogadishu, hosted at Love Books in Melville.

People came in numbers to learn more about the authors first-time offering.

Harding said he was inspired to write his book after meeting a man called Tarzan in 2010. He describes him as an outspoken, courageous and animated person who, after he got to know him better, was further intrigued by his life.

The discussion was facilitated by literary critic Karabo Kgoleng, who asked Harding various questions relating to different events that took place in the book. She said she was surprised that he wrote in a creative narrative style and managed to deliver the story without it being too masculine.

“I enjoyed the fact that the book didn’t overwhelm me in terms of the political aspects and the history behind it. He wrote the story mindfully and in an informative manner,” said Kgoleng.

“I believe people should [read the book] because there aren’t enough stories about Somalia and reading this book will encourage people to practice empathy and instil an understanding about different countries.”

During the discussion, Harding said that he wrote the beginning of the story with the intention of introducing the different layers of the main character, Tarzan. He also mentioned that what he wanted to do is to challenge all the things that people think they know about Somalia and the misconceptions associated with it.

“I’ve been privileged to have had rare access to Somalia over the course of 15 years, thanks to BBC who paid for my trips and security.

” Somalia’s miseries are well documented but I hope this book helps shed more light on the country’s optimistic past. This isn’t a current affairs analysis or my take on a troubled country. It is a Somali story, told by Somalis and shaped by me.”

The Mayor of Mogadishu is available at all mainstream bookstores.

Details: orders@booksite.co.za

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