
Ten phobias you never knew existed

Scared of spiders, wrinkles, the dark? Not these phobias!

For most people, phobias are associated with everyday things such as spiders, snakes, heights, water or sharks.

But, no one could have guessed these 10 bizarre phobias that make you question whether they could possibly be real or not:

No 1:Venustraphobia, also known as caligynephobia – the fear of beautiful women.

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No 2:

Gelotophobia – a fear of being laughed at; sufferers actually evaluate social situations for “signs of laughter and ridicule.”

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No 3:

Arachibutyrophobia – the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

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No 4:

Rhytiphobia – a fear of developing wrinkles.

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No 5:

Chorophobia – the fear of dancing.

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No 6:

Pedophobia – children freak you out!

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No 7:

Peladophobia – a fear of bald people.

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No 8:

Plutophobia – the fear of wealth.

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No 9:

Gamophobia – a fear of marriage.

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No 10:

Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia – the fear of body smells.

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