Black and Blue returns to The Market Theatre

NEWTOWN– Black and Blue play is back with a bang at the Market Theatre.

Kosie House of Theatre in association with The Market Theatre presents the Fortune Cookie Theatre Company’s production of Black and Blue, directed by James Cuningham.

Black and Blue starring Sylvaine Strike and Atandwa Kani is on at the Market Theatre from 28 September to 1 November. Strike previously starred in The Travellers and The Miser. Kani is known for his perfomances in The Island and The Miser.

Cuningham said the the play is about loss and love, and is performed in a detailed arrangement that is set in Surburbia. The play observes the complexities of South Africa’s common relationship between employers and their employees.

“Black and Blue comes full circle to the festival a decade later, a nostalgic return for old patrons and an electrifying theatrical revelation for a new generation,” Cuningham said.

Tickets can be bought from computicket.

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