Pipe band entertains Cresta

CRESTA – The De la Salle Pipe band entertained the crowd at Cresta Shopping Centre on 22 May.

On 22 May the sounds of bag-pipes, trumpets and other pipe instruments filled Cresta Shopping Centre as the De La Salle Pipe Band showed off their skills to the public.

De La Salle Pipe Band organiser Rosemary Attwell said that the show started off at Edgars inside the shopping centre and the band then proceeded through Cresta, much to the delight of shoppers.

“Soon people started to pop out of shops to watch the band and made requests for their favourite tunes.”

She explained that the reason the band marched through the centre was to promote their annual Highland Gathering event that will take place at De La Salle Holy Cross College in Victory Park on 30 May.

Atwell explained that the band marched and performed from Edgars to the Barnyard court and eventually received a well-earned reward in the end.

“At the end of the march, Panarottis invited the whole band to have free pizzas at their restaurant as they had cheered so many folks with their performance,” concluded Atwell.

Related story: Scottish Highland Celebration at De La Salle Holy Cross 

Details: www.delasalleschool.co.za

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