Emmarentia Dam canoeist take home MyLife Dusi medals

PIETERMARITZBURG – Canoeing union praises the support of their partners and sponsors.

Local canoeists have performed well at this year’s MyLife Dusi. A large number of Gauteng paddlers recently participated in the MyLife Dusi, including a canoeist from Dabulamanzi Canoe Club and those that train and race at Emmarentia Dam.

Gauteng Canoe Union spokesperson Jennie Dallas said, “There were frequently numerous boat casualties where boats were broken against the rocky rapids in fast waves and currents and many boats limp, leaking across the finish line, or dragged in pieces by their paddlers.”

The three-man kayak consisting of local canoeists – Alex Roberts, Marco Magni and Ryan Rodda – finished first in the three-man kayak event in a time of 10 hours 48 minutes at this year’s MyLife Dusi. Photo: Supplied

This year’s top performer from Gauteng is none other than Siseko Ntondini who is part of the Soweto Canoe and Recreation Club’s (SCARC) who resides in Albertskroon and trains at the Emmarentia Dam. He finished the three gruelling days in eight hours, 54 minutes to finish as the 9th K1. She stated that another top performer and top female winner was Dabulamanzi Canoe Club member Christie McKenzie who has been training at the same dam since December after moving to Johannesburg. She finished the race in a time of nine hours 42 minutes finishing as 13th Under 23, and 40th K1.

Linden resident MJ Robb returned home with another Dusi medal after finishing 49th in the K1 event and finished in 10 hours. Photo: Supplied

The MyLife Dusi is an annual 120 km three-day canoe river race that runs from the Umsundusi River in Pietermaritzburg to Durban. The race covered some major rapids, as well as numerous portages, where the paddlers have to take their boats out the river and run around the more dangerous non-navigable rapids, carrying their boat until they can put into the river. The portages, depending on the water level can be up to 18km at a Dusi.

Dallas added, “The river winds through the Valley of 1000 hills in Zululand, and attracts many supporters to cheer the paddlers on as they run through rural villages, carrying their boat with seconds at their side in some cases, providing refreshments in the hot Dusi valley sun.”

Albertskroon based canoeist Siseko Ntondini was the first Gauteng paddler to cross the finishing line at the 2021 MyLife Dusi hosted in Kwa Zulu Natal. Photo: Supplied

Dallas said Emmarentia resident Marco Magni and Dabulamanzi members Alex Roberts and Ryan Rodda finished first in the three-man kayak event in a time of 10 hours, 48 minutes. Linden resident MJ Robb also notched up another Dusi medal after finishing 49th K1 finisher in 10 hours. Dallas also paid tribute to sponsors AdReach and First Rand for partnering with the Soweto Canoe and Recreation Club who has been able to provide a house in Albertskroon for underprivileged canoeing enthusiasts to become better at the sport and provide more opportunities for them.

“The partnerships have enabled huge numbers of underprivileged youth to become our top achievers. The providing of a house in Albertskroon for the developing of the youth allows them to attend schools, enjoy work opportunities while also close enough for training at the dam.”

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Emmarentia canoeists looking good before the 2021 Dusi race

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