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Joanna keeps hope during the lockdown

The Cycle Nation team member, who won the Berge and Dale, finished second at Discovery 947 Ride Joburg and fourth at the SA Championships this year, said she was initially devastated to hear she could not train outdoors at the start of the lockdown.

Elite road cyclist, Joanna van de Winkel has taken the lockdown in her stride, and even found activities her family can do together.

The Cycle Nation team member, who won the Berge and Dale, finished second at Discovery 947 Ride Joburg and fourth at the SA Championships this year, said she was initially devastated to hear she could not train outdoors at the start of the lockdown.

“I have always favoured training outdoors, even during winter,” the Northcliff resident said. “Luckily I had a smart-trainer I had bought the previous year, although hardly touched. My husband and I took out online subscriptions and our outdoor rides turned virtual.”

Van de Winkel’s coach, Jono Cloete shortened her normal training rides, added some more intervals for variety and included a gym training session most days of the week. “I have really enjoyed the change and working from home and shorter rides have allowed more flexibility in my riding times. I have had more time for my family.”

Her husband, Tijl, joined the virtual rides and their sons Ben (4) and Sam (6) join the gym sessions.”It has also helped keep my sanity while being cooped up inside for so long. Exercise always helps to make me feel better, clear my mind and relieve stress or anxiety. I might not feel like doing it beforehand but I never regret it afterwards.”

Riding virtually has allowed Van de Winkel to ‘meet up’ with friends she does not often get the chance to. She also also cycled with other top cyclists such as Daryl Impy and Ashleigh Pasio.

“I have done some virtual charity rides to raise funds. I have joined a girls’ team doing a team time trial event each Tuesday. I have had fun joining the veteran men racing someweekend races.”

Since the lockdown level was reduced and people can now exercise outside, the whole family has been out cycling regularly.

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