Local baseball derby

PRAEGVILLE – Local baseball outfits Mix and Match and Marks Park Mustangs play a close match in the Reserve league.

It was a baseball derby of sorts when Mix and Match took on Marks Park Mustangs in the Reserve League.

While the fixture did not have the traditional rivalry that Mustangs and Randburg Mets games have, much was at stake between the local teams because they were tied on points around ninth in the league, out of 15 teams, on 28 July.

Mustangs, from Emmarentia, travelled to Randburg Sports Complex on the warm Sunday morning with hardly a cloud in the sky.

Runs were scarce in the early frames but it all came to a head when Mix and Match were one run ahead in the second last frame and Mustangs scored an amazing eight runs in that inning to take a strong lead.

Mix and Match had to up the ante to catch up in the last two frames and did so.

The match finished 14–9 to Mix and Match.

Paulo Lara dashes to third base for Mix and Match. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“No too bad for a team with three women and four players over the age of 40,” Mix and Match coach, Garry Pollock said afterwards.

“In our next training we will work on fielding, especially in the outfield, getting the ball back and catches as that cost us.”

Mustangs chairperson, Allen McGabe said his team also needed to work on their fielding before their next match, saying they gave away too many runs.

Mix and Match coach Garry Pollock dodges a pitch. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

“I am not too disappointed in the loss,” he said.

“There are lots of new guys coming down so results aren’t everything. We want the guys to enjoy the game and stick with baseball.”

Matthew Fourie pitches for Mustangs during the derby. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

He judged both teams as being equal in skill but the Mix and Match outfit just playing better on the day.

The baseball season is coming to an end and finals for some of the knock-out cups will be held at Marks Park Mustangs on 15 September.

McGabe invited anyone interested in learning about baseball to come and watch.

Details: Mix and Match 072 604 4775; Marks Park Mustangs 082 559 2574.

Related article:

Marks Park Mustangs keeps baseball alive in Emmarentia

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