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Apax ready to enjoy brand-new AstroTurf

AUCKLAND PARK – School ready to defend their new turf.


Auckland Park Academy of Excellence (Apax) is pleased to share that they recently launched their new A-Grade Astroturf.

This came as great news for the school as they had been planning to have one for the longest of times and now it is a reality. Senior administrator of the school, Fazela Amod, said the excitement and joy on the learners’ faces was priceless and the sense of excitement was palpable.

“Through the Grace of the Almighty, Auckland Park Academy of Excellence launched their much-anticipated AstroTurf on Thursday 17 January 2019. The occasion was opened with a Dua [prayer] of gratitude to the Almighty – [it was] a much-awaited dream had come true.”

The newly appointed principal of the school, Suliman Ismail, reminded learners of their theme of the month – responsibility – as they opened the AstroTurf. The theme was used to remind learners that the Astro facility is an Amanah (trust) and it is to be used and maintained in a responsible way. He went on to say that learners should focus on always demonstrating good sportsmanship and they should make it a point to win –and lose – with dignity.

Auckland Park Academy of Excellence open their new AstroTurf to their learners.

The academy would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all who contributed to the project.

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