Northcliff High reigning swim champions

NORTHCLIFF – Northliff High School dominates schools in their district in the water.

Northcliff High School (NHS) caused a splash during the recent inter-high swimming gala after winning the A, B and C league gala categories.

In the A league, NHS swam their way to 794 points which were 159 points more than St Peters who came in second. In third place was Trinity Randpark with 563 points.

Northcliff’s A league winners:

In the B league, Northcliff took a 79-point lead with an overall score of 620 points, while Bryanston High School came in with 541 points and Saheti Schools with 481 points.

Lastly, in the C league, Northcliff took gold with 36 points ahead of Bishop Bavin School – NHS managed 241 points while the runner-up got 205 points. The school in third place, Cedarwood School, came in with 145 points.

Contrary to other competitions, the school has not won the inter-high swimming gala as many times as their 21-year-long inter-high athletics streak, but they have won the competition for two consecutive years.

“Along with a 1st place win in the gala, Northcliff took 1st place for team spirit. We are immensely proud of our students who worked and trained hard for the gala.

A special thank you as well to staff and parents who have also all worked hard and their tireless contribution to the event,” NHS marketing manager, Jacqui Todaro, said.

ALSO READ: 23 medals for Northcliff at invitation-only athletics competition 

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