Linden cyclist Kent Main is on the fast and straight path to success

LINDEN – The rise of local professional cyclist, Kent Main, seems unstoppable.

Kent Main is living his dream, which is on the road with pedals beneath his feet.

The 21-year-old Linden pro cyclist is riding on cloud nine after winning the Bestmed Tour of Good Hope in March and finishing fourth in the Bestmed Jock Tour in September.

The young cyclist regards his Tour of Good Hope win as a breakthrough in his career, especially as he was able to beat Brendon Davids, arguably South Africa’s top road cyclist, and Main’s senior by three years.

The Jock Tour is also regarded as one of the toughest road races in South Africa, with a 7 200m vertical ascent, and Main did well as he raced alone without his Dimension Data teammates.

“For me cycling brings freedom. I can get away each day and go wherever I want to,” he said.


Linden’s pro cyclist Kent Main is fast becoming a force to be reckoned with.

For Main, training usually takes place at the Cradle of Humankind, with nature in its splendour in a quiet setting. It takes Main an hour to cycle from Linden to the Cradle and then he rides for an hour or two before making the trek back.

When Main wants a short ride he cycles on the roads in his neighbourhood.

ALSO READ: Linden’s Kent Main bags gold at the Bestmed Tour of Good Hope road race 

“My next big race is the Tour of Rwanda in November. The standard is not quite European level, but it is better than in South Africa.”

Main hopes for a team win in Rwanda, and a personal finish in the top 10. In February he will compete at the South African Championships.

“My long-term goal is to get to World Tour level and have a long and healthy career there.”

It all started for Main when his father, Clive, a recreational cyclist, taught him to ride at 10 years old.

“My brother Devon and I would race each other. I guess I have a very competitive spirit.”


Kent Main enjoys cycling through Linden in the days prior to, or following, a tough race.

Before he knew it, Main was riding as a junior cyclist all over Africa, in Réunion Island, Italy, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Now a senior member of the Dimension Data team, Main offers his speed as well as wise decision-making in terms of when to push as a team and when to take it easy on a route.

 Gallery: Maree edges Main in Berge en Dale Championship 

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