School sportSport

GALLERY: Mini Olympics delight

VICTORY PARK – Crossroads School pupils prove that nothing is impossible for them.

No obstacle is too big for the pupils of Crossroads School, as demonstrated at the school’s Mini Olympics.

Pupils ran, jumped, hopped and threw beanbags into hoops at the remedial school in Victory Park on 23 September, earning points for their ‘country’. “We normally have an inter-house athletics event but, this year we thought we would have a Mini Olympics due to the Olympics held in Rio, which were so fantastic,” explained principal Val Witt.

“The school houses changed their names to Argentina (blue), Turkey (red) and Brazil (yellow),” she said.

Long-jump, hurdles and shot-put were adapted into tag-team events to make it a little easier for the pupils. The running events basically stayed the same. Every child gave their all, and proved that they could do anything, and have fun while doing so.

Many parents attended, and when it was time for the parents’ run, nearly all of them participated so that three separate races had to be held. They ran with perhaps even more enthusiasm than their children.

“Everyone showed fantastic skills and how to work as a team; it really was a great day,” Witt concluded.

Details: Crossroads School; 011 782 5378.

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