Cliffview girls gain glory

NORTHCLIFF – The Discovery Cup Football finals ended on a victorious note when Cliffview Primary School junior girls' team won their match.

The Cliffview Primary School girls’ soccer team won the Primary Schools Discovery Cup at the Randburg Sports Complex. The junior girls’ team won the final 1–0 against Lyndhurst Primary School on 10 August.

The final was attended by 16 other schools who also played in the tournament. Cliffview Primary School in Northcliff, managed to score their winning goal in the second half of the match. Head coach, Graham Hanly, said that both his team and Lyndhurt’s played well throughout the match and he is proud his team won the final after much preparation.

“The girls have really worked hard to make it to the finals over the past three months. They practised twice a week in preparation for their matches. The competition was tough throughout, although the semi-finals were harder than the finals,” said Hanly.

Caitlin Douglas (10) who is a central defender said that they all had so much fun throughout the tournament.

“I love playing soccer with my teammates, they are really awesome. It feels amazing to win and I plan on putting my medal on a high shelf in my room, so I can look at it every day,” said Douglas.

Parents and soccer fanatics came in numbers to show support for their favourite teams on the day. The warm weather did little to slow down the girls’ enthusiasm on and off the field.

Cliffview head of sports, Roger Burne, said that they had a good game, controlled the ball well and they’ve improved with each game that they have played.

“Their hard work definitely paid off,'” concluded Burne.

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