Bowls tournament heats up

Linden blowing Club, andzani hlongwane, winter bowls tournament, bowling, bowling club, linden, 3rd street linden, sport

The Linden Bowling Club kicked off it’s Winter Tournament on 18 July.

This was the first, of a series games that will take place every Saturday until 15 August. Vice president Darrel Johnston said, “There was a good turnout and the players were very competitive, all vying to win the prizes up for grabs.”

The winners from the first round will be drawn this coming Saturday. Johnston added, “Bowling is not a contact sport, it is a technical game and takes practice to master. The experienced will be the victorious.”

The next round will be held at 8am at the club, situated on 3rd Street, Linden.

Details: Darrel Johnson 083 267 1581 or

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