
‘Golden girl’ Cathy Drew

NORTHCLIFF - Cathy Drew claimed victory at the Special Olympics South Africa, which will see her going to compete in Los Angeles next year.

Cathy Drew’s the ‘golden girl’ of the Drew family, and the darling of Special Olympics South Africa’s ten-pin bowling.

Cathy claimed her place to Special Olympics 2015 in Los Angeles at the Let’s Go Bowling Centre at Northcliff Corner on 16 August.

The Drew family says Cathy’s bowling and her passion for the sport, as well as the success of ten-pin bowling in the South African special Olympics owes a lot to coach Barry Davis.

“If it wasn’t for Barry and (his wife) Berdine, this event wouldn’t have happened. They’ve been tirelessly and passionately coaching and supporting ten-pin bowling for more than 19 years,” said Llewellyn Drew.

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  1. As Cathy’s dad I am thrilled because this will be Cathy’s second Special Olympics participation. She won two gold medals at the Special Olympics in South Carolina in 1998, IU am very proud of her.

  2. You should have seen the joy written on the athletes faces. Ohhh yes we are going ladies.

    Wanga Manyala
    Event coordinator

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