First impressions count

If you are lucky enough to be called for an interview, don't waste the opportunity by not coming prepared.

We currently have three positions available for online/ print journalists and interviewing for the position has been quite interesting.

Not only have I been bombarded with hundreds of CVs, but most of the people sending their CV have no qualifications and experience in journalism.

It just shows you how desperate people are for work and I think if you do have a job you should be very grateful because it is tough out there.

The only advice I can give to people applying for a job is to make sure the prospective employer knows what position you are applying for and to come prepared for the interview.

Sometimes employers have several vacancies for different positions in different fields and if you don’t make it clear for which position you are applying, your application might not even be looked at. Remember you should try and make your application stand out and make it easy for the employer to consider you for the position. Try to make your cover-letter interesting and include a detailed description of yourself.

If you are lucky enough to be called for an interview, don’t waste your time and the employer’s time by not coming prepared. I know this is difficult, but at least know what you have written in your CV and read up about the company.

When you are applying for a job at a newspaper, at least read the newspaper and do some research on it. There is nothing worse than someone applying for a job that they have no clue about.

Also, dress up for the interview. This shows the employer that you care about what you look like and that you will be a positive representation of the company, should you get the job.

Eye contact and good posture is also very important. I will not want to employ someone who cannot look me in the eye or who sits on the chair like they are in their lounge.

Remember you should always act professional, be polite and have manners.

To all the job seekers out there, I wish you the best of luck.

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