Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Remember the good old days

JOBURG – Share your fondest childhood memories.

I recently had a conversation with my colleagues about things we used to do as children.

It was very interesting to hear all the different activities everyone did while growing up. The most fascinating thing was all the ‘homemade games’ that people played as children.

Hopscotch, hide-and-seek, clapping games, ball games and many more.

In my childhood years, we did not have a lot of money, so my sister and I had to entertain ourselves. I remember playing cricket with the other children using a makeshift bat and a tennis ball, as well as roller-skating in the streets. We also used to slip-and-slide on a plastic sheet, using dishwashing liquid. My mom was not impressed.

There were a few mine dumps close to where we stayed and I remember sliding down – from the top of the dump on a piece of cardboard – with my friends. This was so much fun and used to keep us entertained for hours.

And then in the afternoon, all the children in the street gathered around chanting, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream” and waited for the ice-cream van to arrive.

Those were the good old days, before all the video games, television programmes and fancy toys came out.

Do you remember any games that you used to play as a child?

Please share your comments.

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