
Poem: Statues by Dave Young of Weltevreden Park

WELTEVREDEN PARK – Dave Young takes a look at the current controversial topic of statues.

Poem written byDave Young:


Please remember, don’t forget,

It’s the government’s job to preserve and protect.

To protect our people, and preserve State assets, Universities, statues, memorials and all other facets:

Most universities were built in colonial days, Built by craftsmen that came here to stay.

Are the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and varsity students quite sure?

That they want to destroy our heritage on their tour?

The structures were donated by entrepreneurswho rode horses and had no four by fours! They also had hardships that they had to bear, And many a day their cupboard was bare!

They left a legacy of bursaries for students who didn’t have any means, but were very prudent.

It costs a pretty penny to build an edifice,

Paid for by donations, the state and the colonialist!

They are works of art, and a beauty to behold, But if you don’t want them, they can easily be sold!

Students and the EFF shouting, yelling screaming like a banshee,

Jumping like a jack in the box, doing anything they fancy,

Are acting like Hitler, ISIS and Jihad; That is the epitome of everything bad!

Famous monuments like the Taj ma Hal and the Eiffel Tower bring tourist to the country, and millions, hour by hour. But removing, damaging, defacing memorials shows ignorance and the perpetrators’ complete and utter intolerance.

Students who demand racial equity, for lecturers, is a racist game!

It doesn’t matter the race, culture, colour, or even the lecturers name.

What matters is the quality of learning professors impart.

The student needs to be conscientious, and make a fresh start!

We must stop being angry at past failures,

And focus on exciting adventures

We must stop thinking in terms of black and white, And concentrate on doing things right!

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