
Watch what you say

JOBURG – What you say on social media can come back to bite you.

Voicing your opinion, sharing photos and chatting to your mates is only a click away, but the reach is limitless.

We all have a Facebook page, Twitter account and other forms of social media that we frequent more than we care to admit and we become obsessed with what other people are posting and saying. But, do you realise where all this personal information lands up or who sees it?

Yes, using social media has become a ritual, habit, a must do like brushing your teeth, but how much of yourself do you want to share with the world?

And sometimes what you say can land you in a lot of trouble. In today’s society anything and everything can and will be held against you. And on social media everyone can see what you are up to and saying.

I always look at it in this way, you tell your best friend a secret and he/she swears they won’t tell anyone and when you look again all your other friends know your secret.

Social media is much the same, you think you are only following your friends and no one else can see what you are posting, but there are no secrets on the internet and unless your privacy settings are fool proof that information is in cyber space for everyone to access.

A social media law expert once said at a conference I attended, if you wouldn’t be comfortable with that information displayed on a billboard on the highway for everyone to see, don’t post it online.

Yes, we all have the right to freedom of speech, but we also have to be responsible for what we say.

I encourage all social media users to research the law about social media and to be careful of what you say.

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