Acting group head of CRUM responds to Popoyi’s murder

MELVILLE – Vicky Shuping says law enforcement needs to be stricter to avoid incidences such as Thulane Popyi's death.

The acting group head of Citizen Relationship and Urban Management Vicky Shuping writes:

The gruesome murder of Thulane Popoyi is a tragic event that should never have taken place. It is a grim reminder that we all need to work much harder and more closely together to rid our society of the scourge of violence.

From our side, we have tried and will continue to intensify law enforcement together with JMPD, Saps and the Liquor Board – not only in Melville.

Earlier in the year, I called a meeting with all the business owners in Melville and we also had representation from the Liquor Board, Saps, JMPD, EMS, Environmental Health Department and Planning and Building Control. All businesses were informed what they had to do to comply with the laws and bylaws in order to run legal operations.

Sydney Moshapo, the owner of Dollar Table where the murder took place, was present at this meeting. Businesses were told to get their house in order. We have subsequently conducted a day-time operation and two night-time raids in the area where Saps and the Liquor Board were present and licences were checked and fines issued.

Clearly more needs to be done and law enforcement needs to be stricter and enforced on a continuous basis.

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