
Let me tell you, Mr President

Nicole Istace writes: May years ago, we had those people selling fruits and veggie at every street corner. Someone, (not the consumers) complained about them. The government decided to regroup. Kerk Street in JHB was closed to traffic from the Court to Harrison street. Yellow lines painted, to show exactly where they could put up …

Nicole Istace writes:

May years ago, we had those people selling fruits and veggie at every street corner. Someone, (not the consumers) complained about them.

The government decided to regroup. Kerk Street in JHB was closed to traffic from the Court to Harrison street.

Yellow lines painted, to show exactly where they could put up they little stalls.

Everyone was happy again until two weeks ago when JMPD decide to clean the place and chased those people.

The Government always talk about unemployment, but are they doing mothing about it.

Those people was earning an honest living for themselves and they families. We are talking about 60 to 70 families. What is going to happen to them?

You try to earn a living and someone comes to cut the grass under your feet.

Now lets talk about the consumers.

Live healthy, eat a lot of fruits and veggies, they say.

For some families, including mine, we could go to town once a week and get everything we needed.

Now we going to have to use the supermarket and pay supermarket prices.

Grapes that we used to pay R5 for cost R27.99 for exactly the same quantity. We won't even talk about strawberries.

For a lot of us, Veggies will be expensive, but fruits will plainly be a luxury. so where do we stand when we suppose to eat better?

Let me tell you, Mr President, if this was part of the electoral campaign, the timing wasnt exactly right.

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