
An amazing dreamcoat comes to Victory Park

King David Victory Park's major production had audiences captivated from the start.

Is there anything more dazzling than Joseph’s technicolour dreamcoat?

If one were to ask audiences who made their way to King David Victory Park recently, they would most likely respond by saying, ‘yes.’ Something more dazzling than his dreamcoat was the school’s adaptation of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.


Mira Lipman.
Mira Lipman.

This year’s record-breaking major production, saw about 140 learners take part something Renos Spanoudes, the school’s head of dramatic arts, is very proud of.

Major productions at the school, which are more often than not musicals, have been an annual tradition for the past 30 years. They take place at the start of the year so the matric class can be part of them and spend the rest of the year focusing on their studies.

Max Radford and Jethro Crawford.
Max Radford and Jethro Crawford.

The idea to showcase this particular production came to Spanoudes after he read an article on the original play’s anniversary. In addition to this, he also appreciated the fact it had marvelous music and is a biblical story with many lessons. He thought the didactic look at jealousy, family, brotherhood, betrayal and faith was quite universal.

Although in the original play, there are less than 20 main cast members, it was important to Spanoudes to be able to incorporate a larger group of actors to be part of the ensemble, “I made sure to cast all learners that came to audition. The opportunity to come on stage and showcase their talent, be it dancing or singing or being part of the backstage crew was important.”

Olivia Kapeluschnik,
Back: Olivia Kapeluschnik, Nadine Gomer, Bethia Kesler, Shira Zagorsky, Rachel Engelberg. Front: Rachaela Blou, Ella Passman, Emma Yevilov.

It was the expertise shared between the school’s arts and culture, music, visual arts and drama departments, along with external choreographers and vocal coaches that made the production what it was.

With talent to show off and eager entertainers ready to perform, Spanoudes was extremely proud of the level of aptitude displayed by the cast. “Though we always had success through the years, this year was unprecedented, it broke records.”

Erin Gilchrist, Gabrielle Isaacson,
Back: Erin Gilchrist, Gabrielle Isaacson, Rebecca Rubin, Sierra Butkow, Leah-Micah Silberman, Caitlin Kotzin. Front: Sienna Duek, Gabrielle Shapiro, Jenna Hodes.

He also thanked the few parents who spent time assisting with the building of the set and artwork.

Greg Landau.
Greg Landau.

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