Nicola Rossouw is turning a life of addiction into achievement in heyball

Join Nicola Rossouw on her incredible journey as she represents South Africa in Heyball, advocates for greater exposure of the sport, and shares her inspiring story of recovery from addiction.

In a groundbreaking moment for South African sport, Nicola Rossouw is no stranger in the world of heyball – a game that is gaining momentum both locally and internationally.

Recently, Rossouw traveled to Poland to represent South Africa in July alongside other African nations, including Morocco and Egypt. Together, they faced off against formidable European teams, showcasing their skills on a global stage.

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Despite the excitement surrounding the sport, Rossouw candidly shared her concerns about the lack of exposure and coverage for heyball in South Africa. “It’s sad to say it, but we do not have so much exposure in this game, locally and internationally,” she remarked.

“I always tell the guys: ‘That’s where we fail’. We are always so far behind. Other countries are advancing rapidly, while we struggle to gain recognition.”
Rossouw, a veteran player with 35 years of experience, reflected on the challenges the team faced in Poland.

Rossouw has gathered championships in local heyball leagues and is used to representing South Africa on the global stage.

Nicola Rossouw brings her own style of play to the table.

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“It is difficult to finish the game, but can you finish under pressure?”
Despite the obstacles, the South African team made it to the semi-finals, marking a significant achievement for the sport and for Rossouw personally.

“It was great for me and for the sport mentally, and I see great things ahead,” she said.
Her journey to this point has not been without its trials. Rossouw began playing at the age of nine but faced a tough battle with addiction starting at 11, which nearly derailed her life.

“My love affair with drugs destroyed another 11 years of my life,” she confessed.
It took years to realise that drugs were her worst enemy, not a friend. Now, with 24 years in recovery, she has transformed her passion for pool into a tool for healing, becoming a motivational speaker and recovery coach over the last 18 years.

In her current role, Rossouw is dedicated to teaching young players the fundamentals of heyball. “I like to teach kids who do not know how to play. It’s easy to learn and grasp the idea,” she explained. Despite the challenges, she believes that heyball is taking root in South Africa, with plenty of interest shown on social media platforms like Facebook.

“Representing my country was a great feeling,” Rossouw said. “Achieving results like that teaches you valuable lessons every day.”

While she acknowledges the need for greater exposure for heyball in South Africa, she remains optimistic about the future of the sport and her role in its development. As Rossouw continues her journey as a player, coach, and motivator, she embodies the resilience and determination that can inspire future generations in South Africa’s sporting landscape.

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