Joburg residents fear not, Rand Water maintenance is not an emergency

The necessary work on the water supply network is needed to ensure optimal infrastructure functioning and reliability.

Johannesburg Water (JW) held a press conference to explain and allay fears of a looming water outage as the bulk supplier, Rand Water, carries out planned maintenance to its network.

Acting chief operating officer JW, Wiliam Chitsa says plans have been put in place to mitigate against the reduced water supply from June 24 to July 12.

Read more: Firefighters help JW identify problem water hydrants across the city

Johannesburg Water provides the cleanest drinking water in the country and says it will continue to during the Rand Water maintenance work.

“This is not a water shutdown and will not affect all areas of the city. We hope to instil calm for any residents who are fearing the worst.”

General manager for operations Logan Munsamy reiterated the sentiment. “Rand Water is conducting necessary maintenance on its infrastructure which will see water supply drop but not stop. Our two networks are interlinked, hence the impact in the city.”

During this time, ward councillors will be in contact with the water entities to ensure communities are kept abreast of developments and feedback on the work carried out.

Johannesburg Water general manager for operations Logan Munsamy.

There are three jobs being carried out:

Also read: No water and possible payment for air cry Emmarentia residents

In all affected areas stationary tankers (JoJo tanks) will be placed in areas of need and roaming water tankers will be in circulation and able to move around as needed.

A total of 85 water trucks will be in use and 250 JoJo tanks will be utilised.

The JoJo tanks will focus on the following areas:

JW requests that residents who can, “Store up a reasonable quantity of water before the weekend to meet essential or critical needs.”

The water entity will use the weekend to ensure reservoirs and other bulk storage facilities are filled in a bid to lessen the impact of the reduced supply from Rand Water. “The weekend is our time to prepare.”

Munsamy said, “As much as maintenance is inconvenient to residents, the long-term benefits are an improved and more efficient system.”

Asked why Rand Water has chosen this period to carry out the work, “The winter months are a time of reduced consumption, so it is an ideal time to do maintenance.”

Johannesburg has 95 reservoirs and 34 water towers.

A water tanker.

Which areas will be affected?

All areas will have stationary tankers deployed (JoJo tanks) and roaming tanker trucks to provide relief to residents.

Related article: VOX POP: Residents give their opinion on Joburg Water’s billing service

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