The art of being kind, Jemma Coulson

In this weeks Know your Neighbour, we get to know this local artist whose goal is always to meet others with kindness.

A lovely aspect about us all is that we have a story to tell – no matter how much we may doubt this. Our rich, full lives are like a tapestry – woven together by experiences and memories.

Jemma Coulson, is one such community member whose tapestry is made up of lived experiences, both blissful and at times difficult. A lover of art, painting and drawings the Fairland-based artist also loves watching murder documentaries.

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A standout experience in her life so far was when she was 12 years old and ran through fire. “In 2010, our house caught fire with my mom and I inside, and in the panic, I forgot everything I’d learned about fire safety. I dashed through the flames to the door to seek help – not the smartest move. However, by God’s grace, I sustained only one minor burn and no other injuries, and we all escaped safely.” An experience she see as a miracle she got out of with minor injuries.

It would be the unexpected death of her mother, that would pose as a significant challenge to her. It has been three years since her death and each passing year comes with learning how to cope with grief which she says never truly fades and is its own journey. It’s because of this that all her other challenges she may face, seem small in comparison.

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Even with life’s challenges, she is a determined force who sets her sights on advancing her art career by diving into doing commissions. “Art has a unique power to inspire and uplift people on a positive level. I want to go on the journey to not only prioritise, and enhance my artistic skills, but to create meaningful pieces for people.”
She added that she also aspires to start a family with her husband – with their main goal being to establish a happy, and healthy home for their future children one day.

Coulson hopes to impact the greater community with small things. Such as being kind to everyone she meets – an essential in her books. “I understand that I never truly know what someone might be going through. A simple smile or lending an ear can make a significant difference to someone struggling or feeling alone,” she said.

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