Community Cleaners raise R76 000

Funds will go a long way to ensuring the volunteer group can continue its quest to keep Fairland and surrounding areas clean and safer for all.

The Community Cleaners who clean and maintain public parks in Fairland and surrounding areas are not only good at what they do but are imaginative when it comes to fundraising.

Funds raised enable them to purchase equipment needed for larger maintenance jobs like tending to fallen trees and clearing dense vegetation, but also for safety equipment and other necessary items.

The group has captured the hearts of their communities who are stepping forward with creative ways to fund their efforts.

Justice Simthumule wins the third-prize diamond earrings.

For example, local businesses like Fairlands Hardware and Fairland Lawnmowers both contribute tools and equipment when they can, Beagle Watch ran a month-long campaign whereby new subscribers’ first month fees were donated and now three sets of diamond earrings have been raffled off.

In total R76 625.40 was raised which will go a long way in ensuring their efforts can continue to make a positive impact.

Hugo Erasmus from the Community Cleaners said, “Klaus Pack is an active community cleaner member and attends each weekend clean-up and donated the earrings. We can’t thank him enough.”

Cobus and Gerda Swanepoel win the first prize in the raffle which was handed over by Hugo Erasmus from the Community Cleaners.

The winners were drawn at Northcliff High School by headmaster Walter Essex-Clarke.

Cobus Swanepoel from Fairland Lawnmowers won the first prize. “Thank you for the opportunity to serve the community. We have done business here for almost 25 years and it has been a privilege to contribute to the Community Cleaners. The earrings are beautiful.”

The second-place winner was Heinrich Sullwald with Justice Simthumule taking the last pair of earrings.

“Thank you to everyone who bought a raffle ticket and assisted us with raising funds,” said Erasmus.

Related article:

Three pairs of diamond earrings are being raffled off for the Community Cleaners

Community Cleaners grateful for donation

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