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VOX POP: Do you think the City of Johannesburg should bring law enforcement into its debt collection process?

The plan newly announced by city manager Floyd Brink is raising some eyebrows about the inter-departmental roles and responsibilities.

The proposed plan for JMPD officers to assist the city’s revenue department with debt collection is a novel idea, but not one that is wholly supported. At this stage the parameters and details are unclear.

Northcliff Melville Times asked our community what they thought of the plan from a first-impression perspective.

Here is what some locals had to say….

Barbara Macdonald: I would recommend they first start off with those in power who owe the city. Maybe do it for businesses or large complexes but not individuals. I think it is a terrible idea.
Barbara Macdonald: I would recommend they first start off with those in power who owe the city. Maybe do it for businesses or large complexes but not individuals. I think it is a terrible idea.
Annelize Tichauer: I question the plan which may take JMPD officers away from doing by-law enforcement because they are already battling to do it effectively which is hugely problematic.
Annelize Tichauer: I question the plan which may take JMPD officers away from doing by-law enforcement because they are already battling to do it effectively which is hugely problematic.
Cathrine Mwaba: No, it won’t work. Departments have different duties and when other departments are involved in revenue collection it might look like they are more interested in generating income for the city than serving the public.
Cathrine Mwaba: No, it won’t work. Departments have different duties and when other departments are involved in revenue collection it might look like they are more interested in generating income for the city than serving the public.

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