Christian School hosts learners as they plan for the future

A lot was learned during the African Food for Thought career day which took place at Northwest Christian School

Not knowing what you want to be when you grow up can be a daunting experience for those nearing that point in their lives.

To this end, Africa Food for Thought together with a team from Moody’s and Morgan Stanley helped coach 30 high school learners from their families’ programme on their future career choices. Using the Gradesmatch platform, learners explored various careers and learned how their academic performance affects their ability to access those careers. The teams discussed the learners’ interests and listened to graduates speak about the need for perseverance, and for choosing good friends.

Learners receive information about what options they have for future careers.

Northwest Christian School generously hosted the event, allowing the team access to their computer lab, robotics room and courtyard.

The volunteers from Moody’s and Morgan Stanley not only spent time helping the learners navigate technical issues, but they also shared about their own life experiences. At the start of the day, learners were assisted to set up an email address if they didn’t already have one. The learners then went through a questionnaire that gave them directions for which type of career field they would like to enter. A number of career paths presented themselves; ranging from helping careers like social work to practical engineering or mechanical careers, to one boy who dreams of becoming a research physicist (and has the marks to make it).

Learners are assisted to set up email addresses at the career day.

They then entered their current marks into the Gradesmatch programme and began to understand what they actually could do with what they had. Some were disappointed to see that their marks wouldn’t grant them access to university, so they were briefed about other options, including TVET colleges, learnerships and on-the-job training. Others were really excited to see that their marks will grant them admission to a bachelor’s degree. Those kids received insight into how to choose between different university programmes, and how to understand the NSFAS application process.

A career day at Northwest Christian School provided a platform for learners to learn about their future career options.

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