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Raymond takes us into the world of IT

Raymond said that studying at the University of Johannesburg has been a dream for him since he was a child.

My name is Raymond Vilakazi and I am 23 years old. I am a student at the University of Johannesburg doing my 4th year. I am studying BSc in IT (Computer Science and Informatics).

When I first delved into the world of IT, I was filled with excitement and enthusiasm. However, like any worthwhile pursuit, it came with its share of challenges. One of the first hurdles I encountered was the rapid pace of technological advancements. The IT landscape constantly evolves and staying up to date with the latest trends and innovations required continuous learning and adaptability. I often found myself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available and the need to be on top of my game.

Moreover, the complexity of the subject matter in IT presented another obstacle. From programming languages to networking concepts and database management, the breadth of knowledge required seemed daunting. At times, I questioned whether I was capable of mastering it all.

But in the face of these challenges, I learned valuable lessons that I wish to impart to the future generation. The first is the importance of perseverance. The road to success is rarely smooth, and setbacks are an inherent part of any journey. Embrace those moments of struggle as opportunities for growth and remember that it’s okay to seek help and guidance when needed.

Next, I discovered the power of passion and curiosity. In a field as dynamic as IT, maintaining a genuine interest in the subject matter is crucial. Cultivate your curiosity, be hungry for knowledge, and approach every challenge with a positive mindset. Embrace the process of learning, as it is not just about earning a degree, but about acquiring skills that will serve you throughout your life.

Furthermore, building a strong support network is essential. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your interests and goals. Collaborate, share ideas, and learn from each other’s experiences. Together, you will find the strength to overcome even the most daunting of obstacles.

As I progressed in my studies, I realised that failure is not something to fear, but rather a stepping stone to success. Each setback provided me with valuable insights and motivated me to improve.

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