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Men are four times more likely to die by suicide than women

The elderly are affected by stress and feelings of isolation and loneliness which may lead to untreated depression and anxiety.

Cassey Chambers, operations director for the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (Sadag), says the elderly are no less likely to harm themselves than any other group, but are sometimes more vulnerable.

“While suicide does not discriminate and affects all ages, races and genders, the elderly do call our suicide crisis hotline. They are contributing factors with things like chronic illness, loss of a loved one, death and others. These are major contributing factors to having someone in the elderly population thinking about or contemplating suicide. There are extreme feelings of loneliness, isolation, not having family nearby or not visiting them and often the loss of their partner.”

She says the group receives calls from the elderly all year round because of depression, stress, loneliness and feelings of suicide. “We do get more calls over the festive season when they feel lonely if the family are away or who has died. That first Christmas for example can be extremely difficult, or the first anniversary of a loved one’s death. These are all really significant life changes in someone’s life that become too overwhelming and too hard to bear.”

This, she says, is for those who are reaching out for help. “There are so many more who are feeling these feelings who are not reaching out who might feel like they have lost the meaning of life and are feeling alone and don’t reach out. That is what worries us the most. Those who are struggling alone.”

Chambers says in South Africa, men are four times more likely to die by suicide than women. “This is also evident in our elderly callers. We get more calls from suicidal elderly males than women in this particular age group.”

If you, or someone you know is at risk, call the Sadag Suicide Crisis Helpline on 0800 567 567, or visit their website, www.www.sadag.org.

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