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Archers at the ready for qualifying competition

This competition gives archers a chance to qualify for SA National Archery Association and provincial colours.

Marks Park Archery Club will host an indoor-format competition on June 10 that will be one of three remaining chances for archers to qualify for the SA National Archery Association and provincial colours.

Nearly 80 archers participated in the first of these qualifying events which was also hosted by the club in April. “These competitions are mandatory qualifying events for archers who hope to qualify for colours, so time is running out for our athletes,” said Barbara Manning, Marks Park Archery’s tournament director. “They need to achieve a predetermined average over five scores attained between last year’s Indoor Nationals competition in October and the 2023 finals, also in October this year. The great thing about the sport is that we have participants from the under-13 age group all the way to over-65s.”

An indoor archery competition differs from an outdoor contest in that everyone shoots from 18m, except for archers under 13 who shoot at 9m. In outdoor competition, distances range from 30m to 70m depending on the archer’s age and bow category.

Paralympian, Shaun Anderson.
Paralympian, Shaun Anderson.

Manning said she is hopeful that at least one of the archers from Roosevelt High School will step up to the competition line for the first time. Marks Park Archery Club has partnered with the school to offer classes as an extramural sport.

“The school system is vital to building interest in the sport of archery, which is an Olympic sport. So the sky really is the limit if the youngsters have the discipline and commitment to take part in this great sport,” she said.

The club will be hosting one more Indoor qualifying competition in August before the Indoor National competition scheduled for October.

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