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Northcliff teen has dreams of YouTube stardom

Creating videos of live gameplay is all the buzz for Northcliff High School learner.

Anda Nomwa is an aspiring YouTube star, a hobby he loves when not focused on his studies at Northcliff High School.

Here is what he had to say:

I love entertaining people and making them laugh.

I think he’s all about like entertaining people and I like watching content from other creators. So, I thought I’d have a go at creating content myself and giving people more options for videos to enjoy.

Lately, I’ve been playing Hide and Seek Mafia where you literally play hide and seek with the camera. For example, if my friends and I are playing a game at a house – one of us will hide and the others need to find the person. We will all have a camera to film us trying to find the tagged person who also has a camera.

Anda Nomwa. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain
Anda Nomwa. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain

When the person is found, the footage is edited into a really cool video that people can watch and see how the game unfolded. You show the different people’s perspectives in the same activity – almost as if you are watching it live.

I only began doing this in February so am new to it but I love it so far and my friends are starting to follow me. My parents are cool with me doing that so that is awesome.

For others who might be thinking of becoming a YouTuber, just be careful of copyright. That’s something I’ve learned about with music and other elements that can be included in videos.

My dream is to get to 100k subscribers to my channel, watch this space.

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