Roosevelt Park Fire Department using Randburg firetruck

Despite Randburg not using its firetruck, the department assures residents that they can still benefit from it when needed.

In June last year, Roosevelt Park Fire Department stood without a fire truck as theirs had been loaned to Alexandra.
It remains there today.

Currently, Roosevelt makes use of a truck loaned to them from Randburg as they are currently without adequate teams to man it.

One of the shift teams at Roosevelt Park Fire Department is always ready to respond to emergency calls. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain

The spokesperson for Joburg EMS Robert Mulaudzi said, “Due to the shortages of fire engines the City of Johannesburg is forced to strategically place our vehicles in areas which are most vulnerable to fire incidents. Hence, you will find that vehicles are moved around to effectively respond to all fire incidents throughout the city.

“In some cases, you will find that the station where a vehicle is based might not have enough members to operate the vehicle which will therefore be moved to another station that can use it.”

One of the shift teams at Roosevelt Park Fire Department is always ready to respond to emergency calls. Photo: Emily Wellman Bain

He was at pains to reassure residents though that despite the City having limited resources, emergency responders are on alert and able to move around quickly to respond to any situations that arise.

Roosevelt Park Station Commander Harris Ndove said the loaned firetruck had been a boost to their firefighters. “Our teams can now respond in a fully kitted out truck rather than just the small skid vehicle used to put out bushfires.”

Contact details:

When dealing with a fire emergency, call for help as soon as possible and try to remain calm. Stay on the phone for as long as possible to answer any questions. Extra information such as stating your nearest street corner when providing your address may help emergency services reach you faster.

Here are some tips for staying safe this winter:

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