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VOX POP: Lack of maintenance can lead to malfunctioning fire hydrants

It is important for Joburg Water to ensure that these hydrants are regularly maintained and in good working condition.

Joburg Water is responsible for maintaining street fire hydrants. These are crucial in providing access to water for firefighters during emergencies.

Katlego Silinda
Katlego Silinda: They are not being looked after properly, because some people even build or put things on top of them and this makes it difficult for firefighters to find them when there is a fire.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe that they are being looked after?

Sonwabo Moloitsi
Sonwabo Moloitsi: Fire hydrants are something that we do not pay attention to, so they should build the ones that can be seen by everyone.
Linda Mathebula:
Linda Mathebula: I do not think that they are doing a great job regarding the maintenance of fire hydrants, because they are leaking all over the place.
Lerato Mothotsi
Lerato Mothotsi: The government is doing great, because they were able to provide fire hydrants so that firefighters can access water fast when there is fire.
Mpho Maboya
Mpho Maboya: They are not being looked after properly, because some are even leaking at the side of the road.

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