Piet’s birthday is something special and is celebrated by many.

Piet works at the Northcliff Engen and his birthday is an occasion he, and others, look forward to each year.

For nine years now, a deaf petrol attendant from Northcliff, Piet Ndou (56), has been celebrated every year on his birthday by community member Inge-Marne Blignaut.

This tradition started on March 26, 2014, when the pair met when he tended to her car while she was filling up with petrol at the Engen garage where he has worked for 18 years.

Piet Ndou with his friends and Inge-Marne Blignaut about to enjoy some birthday cake in 2018.

“As I tried to tell him how much fuel I needed, he pointed to a name badge that had the word ‘deaf’ written on it,” recalled Blignaut. Ndou lost his hearing when he was six.

That is when she realised she needed to write down her order on an old till slip. It was during this communication that he wrote ‘birthday’ on the piece of paper which changed both of their lives forever.

“I frantically looked around for some change to tip him while he was filling my tank. After all, it was his special day. Distressed, I couldn’t find any. Already late for work, I didn’t have any time to explain to Piet what I was about to do next, so I just drove off.”

Piet Ndou and Inge-Marne Blignaut celebrate his birthday last month with an incredible cake for everyone to enjoy.

She added he must have thought that she had just left without saying goodbye but she had a plan.

“I quickly drove a few metres away to a supermarket where I bought a birthday cake and returned to surprise Piet but he was nowhere to be found.”.

Piet Ndou with his friends and Inge-Marne Blignaut about to enjoy some birthday cake in 2016.

Blignaut eventually found him in the back office surrounded by the other petrol attendants. Piet was sitting down with a small cake on his lap.

“As I walked in, everyone started singing happy birthday and I joined the celebration. I stuck around for a little while. Work would have to wait a little longer because it is not every day you get to share someone’s birthday and have cake for breakfast.”

Piet Ndou is a much-loved and respected member of the Northcliff community as he carries out his duties at the Engen garage. Photo: Mmaphuthi Ledwaba

Ever since that chance encounter, the two always celebrate together on Piet’s birthday and Blignaut makes sure there is enough cake for everyone to enjoy.

She said three things made this relationship particularly special. “Firstly, although Piet and I don’t understand each other, we just get one another. He’s an extrovert and so am I. It just goes to show that your vibe attracts your tribe.”

Secondly, the cakes Blignaut buys are made by a local baker who owns Cakey by Davy in Northcliff, which she helped set up. He and Piet have become firm friends over the years.

Piet Ndou with his friends and birthday cake in 2014.

Lastly, the contagious feelings of community, friendship, and love on Piet’s birthday which is something we must embrace and treasure.

Setbacks or the loss of his hearing have stopped him from achieving success in life nor from teaching those around him how to speak sign language. He signed, “I am so grateful for all the love I feel and am glad I make people smile.”

Piet Ndou with his friends and birthday cake in 2015.

Here’s to Piet, may his life be as long as Beyers Naude Drive, minus the potholes and speed bumps.

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