Paddlers face the rapids

Paddlers from Dabulamanzi Canoe Club recently went through a river introduction that saw them face various challenges.

A few Dabulamanzi Canoe Club paddlers were recently excited to be introduced to enjoying the great rapids.

Canoeists, Chantelle Fraser and Michelle Reitsma, who are usually found on flat water paddling, were enthusiastic to also learn to paddle on rivers, upstream in the current, turning into and out of the eddies and fast flow.

The day also included a safety proficiency competency lesson that raised awareness of potentially dangerous situations, how to avoid them, and what to do if stuck in a difficult situation.

According to the Gauteng Canoe Union’s Jennie Dallas, the ladies were accompanied by a few highly experienced male paddlers including coaches, as well as the safety officer for the union.

ALSO READ: Paddlers at the ready at Dabulamanzi Canoe Club

“They thoroughly enjoyed the new exciting opportunity on the river. They were learning very quickly however they all made errors, fell out of their boats, learned to empty the water, get in, and get out (not as easy as you think!), and had a superbly fun day in the sun on the river while coaches instructed and watched offering advice and assistance,” she said.

Dallas said river races had been cancelled in past months due to ongoing regular sewerage pollution leaks into the rivers, which, though maybe repaired, sludge is still in the mud and it was, as she explained, necessary to wait for the rains promised by El Nina.

“However, when the rains arrived there was widespread flooding and many rivers burst their banks, and that is a dangerous situation for new paddlers and impossible to learn from scratch on a raging river.

“Now the rains finally subsided after heavy flooding the previous weeks and a quick impromptu decision was made to take the opportunity while the rivers have been flushed clean and have a good flow which is a manageable level for new learners testing their canoeing skills,” said Dallas.

ALSO READ: Dabulamanzi Canoe Club is ready to open soon

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