Life gets sweeter for animals at the SPCA

Four little girls recently donated funds to the SPCA after they ran a smoothie stall in Linden.

Let’s face it load-shedding is the pits but it also recently helped four young girls raise R356 for the SPCA.

The father to three of the girls Byron Thomas said due to load-shedding the girls wanted to find something to do. “So they set about making hand-made smoothies out of all the fruit that may go off,” he said.

ALSO READ: Randburg SPCA steps in to assist Naidoo family pets with food and warmth

He added that it was the older girls Tyla Thomas and Tatum Lipschitz’s idea to start the small business and then the younger girls Cooper and Bailey Thomas joined them on their thirst-quenching quest.

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Tatum Lipschitz and Tyla Thomas at their stall.

“They started outside their house but soon realised that the traffic was much better for sales on the high street, so begged us as parents to move. We said yes, and went to watch them from a safe distance while they traded. Business went very well and many trips back home were needed to make more smoothies.”

Byron said the girls decided to donate all the proceeds to an animal shelter and the parents decided to match their proceeds and donate the cash to the SPCA.

ALSO READ: Randburg SPCA makes shocking discovery

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