Four suspects arrested following shooting and high speed chase near Wits University

A high speed chase with suspects shooting at police ended in the arrest of 4 people near an entrance to Wits University.

Four suspects have been arrested following a high speed chase and a shoot out with police officers which ended near Wits University.

Fairland police were on patrol when they noticed a suspicious vehicle, a Toyota Etios sedan.

When the police vehicle turned around, the suspects sped off driving on the wrong side of the road and driving erratically. They crossed over Beyers Naude Drive, went onto Republic Road and then weaved their way to Barry Hertzog Avenue. The suspects then realised they could not get away and some shots were fired towards the police.

The chase carried on until Yale Avenue, outside Wits University when the suspects were cornered. They tried to flee on foot but the flying squad, SAPS Brixton and JMPD were all converging on the scene.

No shots were fired at the university.

Four suspects were arrested, and two firearms recovered.

It was discovered that false number plates had been attached to the vehicle with double sided tape over the existing plates.

The suspects are in custody at the Fairland police station where they are being processed and profiling is taking place.

“We do not think they are linked to any particular crimes at this stage but the suspects were probably about to commit a crime considering the false plates, firearms and attempts to evade police. We hope to have some preliminary profiling complete tomorrow,” said Fairland police’s commander Lieutenant Colonel Clive de Freitas.

Mike Styer, Fairland CPF PR Officer commended the officers saying, “On a suspicion the police turned around which eventually led to the multiple arrests and the immediate alert enabling other law enforcement departments to assist in a successful event. They did a really good job.”

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