
Youth Month will be used to promote sustainable livelihoods and resilience of young people

By promoting resilience, the government aims to empower young people to navigate the complexities of the modern world and adapt to rapidly evolving socio-economic landscapes.

Youth Day in South Africa: Celebrating Resilience and Fostering Opportunities

June 16th holds significant importance in South Africa’s calendar as it marks the day when the country’s youth courageously stood up against the oppressive apartheid system. This historic event is commemorated today as Youth Day, serving as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by young people in their fight for equality, particularly within the education system. This year, as we observe Youth Month, the theme chosen is ‘Promoting sustainable livelihoods and resilience of young people for a better tomorrow.’ With unemployment being one of the major challenges faced by the youth today, the Gauteng Government is intensifying its efforts to curb this issue and create awareness about job opportunities available to young people.

The June 16th uprising in 1976, also known as the Soweto Uprising, saw thousands of students taking to the streets of Soweto to protest against the apartheid regime’s discriminatory education policies. The oppressive government enforced the use of Afrikaans as the medium of instruction in schools, denying young black students the right to receive quality education in their own languages. The youth of South Africa rose up against this injustice, demonstrating immense bravery and determination in the face of violent suppression.

Tragically, the protest on that fateful day resulted in the loss of many young lives, as the apartheid regime responded with brutal force. The sacrifices made by these young heroes sparked a wave of resistance and played a significant role in the eventual dismantling of the apartheid system. Youth Day stands as a testament to their courage and serves as a reminder that the youth have the power to effect change, even in the most challenging circumstances.

However, despite the progress made since the end of apartheid, the youth of South Africa still face numerous obstacles, with unemployment being one of the most pressing issues. Many young people struggle to find meaningful employment opportunities, hindering their ability to build sustainable livelihoods and contribute fully to the country’s development. It is essential that concerted efforts are made to address this issue and create an environment that empowers the youth.

In commemoration of the 47th anniversary of the June 16th Uprising, the Gauteng Government is redoubling its efforts to tackle youth unemployment. The government recognises the need to create awareness about existing job opportunities and provide young people with the means to access them. By doing so, they aim to alleviate the hardships faced by the youth and promote economic inclusivity.

Through targeted initiatives, such as skills development programmess, entrepreneurship support, and job placement services, the Gauteng Government aims to equip young people with the tools and resources necessary to secure employment or create their own sustainable businesses. By investing in the youth, the government acknowledges their potential to drive innovation, economic growth, and social progress.

Furthermore, fostering resilience among the youth is crucial in preparing them for the challenges of the future. The theme of this year’s Youth Month, ‘Promoting sustainable livelihoods and resilience of young people for a better tomorrow,’ highlights the importance of equipping young individuals with the skills and mindset necessary to overcome obstacles and build prosperous futures. By promoting resilience, the government aims to empower young people to navigate the complexities of the modern world and adapt to rapidly evolving socio-economic landscapes.

As South Africa commemorates Youth Day and celebrates the resilience of its youth, it is a time for reflection and renewed commitment to creating a brighter future for the next generation. By addressing the issue of youth unemployment, providing access to job opportunities, and promoting sustainable livelihoods, the Gauteng Government is taking important steps to uplift the youth and ensure their active participation in shaping the country’s destiny.

On this Youth Day, let us remember the sacrifices of those who came before us, celebrate the resilience and spirit of South Africa’s youth.

Gauteng Government will commemorate the 47th Anniversary of the June 16 Uprising by intensifying its efforts to curb youth unemployment and create awareness of existing job opportunities available to youth and how they can access these.

The Gauteng Government remains committed to addressing youth unemployment

  • The Gauteng Provincial Government is embarking on a recruitment drive in response to high unemployment levels among designated groups within the province
  • In that regard, it is creating job opportunities by advertising the available funded vacancies within GPG departments and their entities
  • This recruitment drive will result in the improvement of the capacity of the state which will result in the enhancement of service delivery within the service points and raise citizen satisfaction levels.

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