Hotel Hope welcomes 200th and 201st children into their nurturing environment.

Hotel Hope Ministries, a renowned childrens home, is rejoicing as they welcome a baby boy and a baby girl, reaching a milestone of caring for 201 children. With a strong commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment, they continue to transform the lives of vulnerable children through love and support.

Hotel Hope Ministries recently welcomed two new blessings into their family, their 200th and 201st. The arrival of the baby girl and baby boy marks a significant milestone for them as they now can provide love, care, and support to two more children in need in the community.

Founder, Oliver Quambusch, expressed his overwhelming joy and gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of these children. He emphasised the importance of children’s homes like theirs, highlighting the undeniable need for safe and nurturing environments for at risk children.

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“Regardless of the child’s arrival number, each one is cherished and given everything they need to thrive – from basic necessities like food and clothing to the most crucial element: love.”

Witnessing the children living happily and confidently at Hotel Hope brings immense joy to the staff. He proudly shared that the older children are unashamed of their background, finding excitement and joy in being part of the family.

He often takes the children out, and their presence does not give away their status as children from a children’s home. This sense of belonging is a testament to the nurturing environment created by Hotel Hope.

Hotel Hope Ministries social worker, Nobulani Kundayi, with founder, Oliver Quambusch. Photo: Waydon Jacobs

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The 201st child arrived at Hotel Hope Ministries at 17:30 on July 10, following the momentous arrival of the 200th child on July 9. Hotel Hope recognises that children are highly perceptive, capable of sensing the emotions and experiences around them.

The organisation understands that children who have been exposed to violence, or other adverse circumstances during pregnancy, may carry those experiences with them. “To counteract these negative influences, we are dedicated to showering the children in our care with love, and providing a supportive environment.”

The timing of these blessings is particularly significant as Hotel Hope eagerly anticipates the celebration of Mandela Day. Quambusch believes that Nelson Mandela, known for his unwavering commitment to social justice, would take great delight in witnessing the incredible work being done by them.

Nobulani Kundayi, a social worker at the home, shared that welcoming the 200th child, a beautiful baby girl, was met with immense excitement. Kundayi, who typically liaises with the individuals bringing the babies to Hotel Hope, expressed how peaceful and serene the baby appeared, as if completely unaffected by the challenges she may have faced. “The arrival of these two precious blessings serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role that the home plays in providing a safe haven for vulnerable children.”

The staff’s dedication, combined with the outpouring of love and support from the community, ensures that each child receives the care and attention they deserve.

Related article: Small donations bring great joy to Hotel Hope Ministries

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