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Taxi’s associations clash over routes

Pick-up points became a problem as taxis were caught where they were not supposed to drive.

Tensions built as ‘territory’ came into question when Faraday Taxi Association (FTA) members got heated against the Johannesburg Coloured Taxi Association (JCTA) on Thursday, May 9.

The disruption of peace occurred at around 09:00.

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Three taxis from FTA have been impounded by the JCTA.

There was a small gathering of mini-bus taxis on Main Road, at the corner of Brown Road, in Newlands. The reason provided was that Faraday taxi driver’s caught whiff of JCTA taxi drivers taking passengers to Braamfontein.

Sophiatown SAPS were on scene trying to mediate the situation.
Sophiatown SAPS were on scene trying to mediate the situation.

JCTA drivers were caught loading passengers on FTA pick-up points in Central Johannesburg (JHB), which evidently led to passengers being evacuated out the taxis due to territory wars.

Also read: Self-driving taxi for wheelchair users wins design award

One taxi driver who wished not to be named commented on the situation. “They were not supposed to load passengers on Faraday’s pick-up points. That is not their territory.”

Taxis from other associations were being stopped and passengers were forced out.

Officers of Sophiatown Police Station and Gauteng traffic wardens were on the scene, but preferred not to comment on the issue.

Related article: How to keep your taxi on the road and your business ticking over

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