VOX POP:What would I do if I were president for a day?

Learners from Crossroads School tell us what they do if they were president.

Power is something sought by many to have. But what would one do with all that power?

Imagine you were president, what would be one the first things you’d ensure get done? To answer this question, Northcliff Melville Times headed to Crossroads School where a few of their learners shared just what it is they would do if they yielded such power.

From fixing roads riddled with potholes to making sure that there are no homeless people anymore, the changes they’d make speak to some of things they deem important.

Here is what they had to say:

Ndalo Nazo: If I was president, I would stop people from hunting animals and other creatures on earth.
Tom Weare: If I was president, I would feed the homeless.
Matthew McLeod: If I was president I would keep everyone safe by doubling the police force. I would use electricity better so there was no load shedding and if anyone needed help, I would help them.
Ori Stern: I would donate a billion Rand to charity and I would fix the roads because my dad gets mad about the roads.
Joshua Greyling: If I was president I would help the homeless people by giving them money.
Siphosethu Gabela: If I was president, I would make it so that everywhere there would be a recycling bin and signs saying “pick up your trash”. I would also build a big home for homeless people in every province to go to be sheltered from the rain. I would also make sure that the only way you can get weapons is with permission from the police. Everyone would be happy because everything would be fair.
Sennen Campbell: If I was president, I would make everyone fix the road because when I went to Kruger, half the road wasn’t even there anymore and you could kill people like that.
Mishay Kalan: If I was the president, I would make Friday a weekend.
Abigail Linnell: If I was president, I would make sure that nobody littered and if they did, they would get in trouble

Related article: Could our countrys future president be at APPS?

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