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Plea to remove lantana from all gardens

Wendy Carstens warns readers about the shrub which is a danger to both humans and animals.

Caring for public parks and green spaces is no easy feat, but the Friends of the Melville Koppies are determined to win the war against what they call the real invaders – weeds!
Wendy Carstens, head of the non-profit which cares for the heritage site says, “We need a concerted, continuous effort by all of us to control these invasive transformers.”
She has identified lantana camara as one currently giving them a headache.

“Beware of this beguiling, smelly shrub. It has flower heads of pretty red, pink, orange, yellow and/or white flowers.”

She says it is an Invasive Category 1 transformer weed of all green spaces, including suburban gardens and fences. “This means lantana should definitely be removed and not cultivated anywhere at all.”

To remove the large plant from your garden, ‘cut and remove the scratchy stems with their recurved prickles before digging out the roots with a pick’.

Carstens says frequent follow-ups will be needed if birds have feasted on the black berries, which are poisonous for humans and animals.

Feel free to contact 079 532 0083 if you are unsure about a shrub in your garden.

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