
Who is Barbara Olivier

From loving animals to finding a fascination with true crime novels.

What do true crime novels, gardening and a love of exercise all have in common?

Well, that’s Barbara Olivier of course. Unlike the characters found in her most loved genre of books, Olivier wanted no mystery to surround her as she let us in on what she is all about.

The local, who can be found teaching in Greymont, not only loves biographies but true crime books written by authors such as Ann Rule.

One of Olivier’s biggest goals is making others recognise their uniqueness, “We don’t all have to fit into a box, we are all different,” she said. In her life, one of her challenges was building her self-confidence as that was something she never had as a young girl.

It was probably that confidence gained that helped her do one of the most courageous things she has ever done which was saving a small dog from being attacked by a much larger dog. She did so without fear of being mauled herself. A love of animals is something she carries with her. In her opinion animals are voiceless earth angels. Some of whom are subjected to cruelty that she cannot stand. “They are cute, loving and so loyal,” said Olivier. She also loves being at the helm of reuniting lost pets with their owners.

A facet she loves about her community is that even in the midst of difficulty there are always people with good hearts. This a trait she could probably portray through her art as she is also a sketch artist.

Within her community, she hopes to show people that through kindness and respect, one can move mountains.

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