
Watch: Wits student protest intensifies

Wits says it will continue its academic programme as scheduled despite widespread protests across the university and the surrounding areas.

The Wits University student protests have intensified this morning, March 3, despite the university’s decision to suspend some students who are protesting.

ALSO READ: Protests at Wits over student exclusions based on financial grounds

Wits University issued a statement on March 2, saying that they have issued multiple suspension orders to disruptors who transgressed the university’s rules. “The Legal Office will continue to work through the evidence submitted by the Wits community to ensure that perpetrators who can be identified, be charged.”

The university also stated that during their investigation, they found that some of the perpetrators were academically excluded while some had failed multiple times, have lost funding and were now demanding to be registered.

“We have reached out to the Students’Representative Council (SRC) but they have declined to engage at this stage. We will continue these efforts through the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs.”

The University will however continue the day’s activities as usual.

Many people including media publications took to social media to show what is happening on day 3 of the protest.

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