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Local darts club looking for new members

ROOSEVELT PARK – Darts aren’t only played at bars and pubs but across the country and world.

Central Johannesburg Darts Association is looking to make 2022 a year of growth, development and competition following two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In addition to welcoming back their members to their Auckland Park Bowls Club home, they are thrilled to host and take part in various dart competitions and events across the country. More importantly, the association is focused on growing their membership and are inviting those interested in playing darts to join their club.

Central Johannesburg Darts Association chairperson Tooi Engelbrecht. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Association chairperson Tooi Engelbrecht said, “The main goal for this year is to introduce as many people to darts as possible and show them that it is a fun and competitive sport. We want to help train people, teach them the rules and help them compete on many stages across the country.”

Another mission of the association is to clear the misconceptions of darts only being associated with bars and pubs.

“People think darts is only played in these places but this isn’t true. Darts is played everywhere including at provincial and national levels. There is also the possibility of being awarded national colours if you are among the best in the country.”

Every meeting of the Central Johannesburg Darts Association is a social, fun and competitive one as players look to be the best dart player of the week. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

Like all sports and activities, hard work and dedication is needed to reach the top in the sport. According to Engelbrecht, apart from the skill of throwing the dart, players needed to be quick thinkers and able to play under pressure as some matches went down to the wire. “Essentially, the more you play the better you get. You have to give it your time and energy to be among the best.”

Central Johannesburg Darts Association meets every Wednesday at Auckland Park Bowls Club from 19:00. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

In 2018, the club moved to Auckland Park Bowls Club and Engelbrecht said, “The last few years here have been excellent. We have members from all over Johannesburg, a total of 39 members with another 11 to be signed as official members soon. We meet every Wednesday unless Covid-19 restrictions and work and family commitments stop us but other than that we are all always here.”

Engelbrecht took over as chairperson from Annamarie Maraz in 2021 and credited her as one of the most important figures in Darts South Africa. He has committed himself to taking the support forward and already has plans to offer darts at schools and universities in the near future.

Central Johannesburg Darts Association is inviting all members of the public interested in playing darts to join them every Wednesday night at Auckland Park Bowls Club. Photo: Andile Dlodlo

To join or follow the association, look them up on social media or contact Engelbrecht.

Details: Facebook, Central Johannesburg Darts, Tooi Engelbrecht 079 984 0045.


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