Small donations bring great joy to Hotel Hope Ministries

MELVILLE – The home recently received a donation that will go a long way in aiding the deserving organisation.

Hotel Hope Ministries recently received a generous donation from Miss Tourism Globe SA 2021 finalist, Chantel Maluleka.

The first-year BA student from the University of Johannesburg handed over toiletries and various others goods to the home on August 27. To be able to make this donation, she enlisted the help of her those she lives with at her campus residence.

According to the founder of Hotel Hope, Oliver Quambusch, Maluleka placed a box at the reception of her campus residence and requested that those there fill the box with items the home would need on a monthly basis. “Her fellow students generously filled the box to the brim with toiletries and tinned food as well as pre-loved toys,” said Quambusch.

Maluleka believes small things make a big difference and Quambusch firmly agreed with her sentiments.

This donation is said to have been completely voluntary. “We love it when young people come to our aid in such creative ways,” said Quambusch.

Miss Tourism Globe SA 2021 finalist, Chantel Maluleka hands over some donated goods to Hotel Hope founder Oliver Quambusch. Photo: Supplied

He added every food tin donated means the home now does not have to buy it. “Covid-19 has brought us record numbers of children, as many parents abandon them since they cannot support their own children.”

The home recently welcomed its 129th child and donations like Maluleka’s really means the world to them. “We love what we doing, but we can’t do it without you,” concluded Quambusch.

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